Chase Global Services Chase Global Services

Child Support Solutions

We have over 19 years of experience working with governmental customers engaged in Child Support Enforcement Programs developing FSA-88 and PRWORA compliant software systems and supporting components. In addition we provide decision support systems, business intelligence and data warehousing solutions, case auditing systems, federal reporting, correspondence management solutions, and self service portals engineered specifically for child support enforcement.

Decision Support Systems:
Consisting of a Data Warehouse and a Business Intelligence driven user front-end that enables full reporting capabilities, these Decision Support Systems allow Child Support Enforcement agencies to view their data in multiple ways, across counties, various metrics, or even specific caseworker performance. Such Management and Operational reporting allows the organization to make proactive management decisions, budget allocations, and resource distribution.

Case Auditing Systems:
Custom-built software that tracks the actions taken on a case, or cases. The system then allows managers to perform audits on a case or a sample of cases to ensure the quality of their caseworkers’ enforcement activities.

Federal Reporting:
Chase Global Services has successfully created the OCSE 157 and OCSE 34a reports, reports required by the federal government for Child Support Enforcement agencies to submit on a regular basis. These reports provide information on the agency’s performance, and CGS’ versions provide peace of mind to the client regarding full accuracy with every submission.

Current and past customers include Child Support Enforcement agencies in the State of Nevada, State of Texas, State of Wyoming and the Territory of Guam.